martes, 15 de noviembre de 2011

"Si dos personas que son desconocidas la una la otra, como lo somos todos, dejan caer de pronto las barreras que los separa, y se sienten cercanas, se sienten uno, ese momento de unidad constituye uno de los más estimulantes y excitantes de la vida. Y resulta aun más maravilloso y milagroso para aquellas personas que han vivido encerradas, aisladas, sin amor. "

lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2011

Tener mil millones de mariposas revoloteando en la panza...
se siente increiblemente hermoso.

Siempre, siempre esperé lo que no debo
y no hay nada que hacer y te quiero, te quiero mal.
Cuántas cosas lindas me hacés sentir, cuánto te llegué a querer en tan poco tiempo.
Oh, todo lo que sos, todo en vos, me hace FELIZ.
Leyendo mi cuaderno una y otra vez, sigo sintiéndome avergonzada al ver como me miento a mi misma con frecuencia. Puedo decir "nunca más" con toda seguridad y franqueza? Cómo puedo tantas veces intentas que las personas crean en lo que digo si ni siquiera yo misma me lo creo?
Es raro, porque por un lado, me siento completamente perdida y frustrada, y por el otro, me siento realmente feliz. Todo depende del día, de cómo me levante. Me doy bronca! Me encantaría sentir una emoción a la vez.. Whatever.

And maybe it's not my weekend but it's gonna be my year,
and I'm so sick of watching while the minutes pass, as I go nowhere.
And this is my reaction to everything I fear
'cause I've been going crazy.
I don't wanna waste another minute here.
In a sitch like this you've gotta think and I don't think you think about the way he thinks, and I know you live life for yourself but it all comes down to the way you help. And I know your life is such a hell, you wake up early and you work until, you have your drinks at 5 o'clock.The hours blend and your thoughts all haunt.
Your hopes, your dreams, your everything.Well, momma I hope, I dream, that you won't leave. And I have a question! WHAT IS LOVE? Is it giving up? Well, 'cause that's not how you raised me. In a sitch like this you gotta think and I don't think you think about the way she thinks, and I know you work hard everyday but it all comes down to the way you're paid. And I know you're oh so sorry dad, I truly believe that you're a better man,than to share one kiss then give away all the love you come home everyday. To your hopes, your dreams, your everything. Well daddy, I hope, I dream that she won't leave.
And I have a question! WHAT IS LOVE? Is it giving up? 'Cause that's not how you raised me. And WHAT IS LOVE? See, I don't know anymore;
I used to look up to that love.
So baby, please take my hand and you'll NEVER be alone again.
And every single time I look in to your eyes I see a little bit more sunshine.
I feel a little bit more like me instead of who I turned out to be.
I wouldn't trade it for a thing, could I call you my baby? .

viernes, 4 de noviembre de 2011

Es todo demasiado confuso, y me está cansando pensar tanto.

miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2011

Yo te dejaria hacerme
todas aquellas cosas que nunca me hiciste .

Yo quiero regalarte
un mundo de colores.

martes, 1 de noviembre de 2011

I know you’re so cool, but I must be a fool
for taking you in and letting you win control of my heart.
And every single time you make your way into my sheets,
the hours move to minutes, the days turn into weeks.

Yeah, you sure got a lot of nerve, to say that this was all my fault.
I know you called, I got them all.
Girl, you better love what you got, before you go and give it away .

Oh ♥

I thought I could resist you,
I thought that I was strong .
Somehow you were different from what I've known .

‎Cause you leave me speechless when you talk to me .
You leave me breathless, the way you look at me.
You manage to disarm me, my soul is shining through,
can't help but surrender my everything to you . ♥